Newer Sets

Sets will download in a zip file.

Sets are $3.67 each, unless otherwise marked.

 *NOTE*  Apple product users may need to download a program (or app) to unzip the file.

White Hose Black Toes

White Hose Black toes really does say it all. I enjoyed the combinations so though a little set was in order. 45 pictures with these peeptoe heels zipped up into a 114MB file

Black Hose Mostly Toes Pt 1

Black hose mostly toes because I only have heels on for a few of these pictures. This is the fisrt set out of two, 82MB zip file with 31 pictures

Black Hose Mostly Toes Pt 2

Black hose mostly toes part 2. 80MB zip file of 34 more pictures in the black reinforced toe nylons and just a few pics with the polkadot heels.

Teal Thigh Highs Pt 1

The first part of two sets featureing my teal thigh highs. I love this color and I just had to pair them with my bright pink heels... It just seemed right .=) 27 picss in a 68MB zip file.

  Teal Thigh Highs Pt2

Oh just a few more pictures in these teal thigh highs because who doesn't like a little more. 29 pictures count as a little more right?? Well that what is in this 73MB zip file!

Red Skirt, White Stockings Pt 2

Sorry it took so ling to get the second half of this set out! BUT, here it finally is! 85MB zip file containg the remaining 28 pictures of this set.

Red Skirt, White Stockings Pt 1

Looks like this one will be a two part set with one of my favorit skirts along with some white stockings and garter belt. In this 94MB zip file there are 29 pics while getting my stockings on... no wonder it to me so long to get them on =) pt 2 should be up soon

Shortcake Sock Set

Found some Strawberry Shortcake socks so of course I bought them. Was also trying a new brand of hose. Not quite sure what I think, they are thick so they bunch but they are suuuper shiny. This 96.3MB zip file has 42 pictures help me make up my mind about these hose.

Lil Set

Started a set but then got pulled away so this is what I got done. So it was either make a little set or delete them all... and here we are. There are 20 pictures in a 50.5MB zip file,

Polka Dot Socks

Found these polka dot socks thought they would be cute with the polka dot skirt. I wasn't wrong. Here are 36 pictures zipped up in a 92.0MB zip file proving I was right! No heels in this set just my cute socks layered over my black hose.

Bright Purple and Pink Pt. 1

Here you will find 40 more pictres (184 MB) in the hot pink and purple. Just incase you enjoyed the first set.

Bright Purple and Pink Pt. 1

Being a fan of the 80's I really love the hot pink and hot purple together in this set. Maybe this 74MB, 35 picture set will make you will agree, these colors are HOT! 🙂

Red Back Seam

Absolutly had to make a set (37 pictures) in these black hose with the red back seam. Ok, maybe I had to make two sets and a video but can you really blame me? No heels in this set, those are in the next one.

Now With Heels

Red back seam hose... but now with my black heels. 32 more pictures in these hose because one set just wasn't enough. Just don't forget there is a video too!


A little red, a little white, and lots of polka-dots. 114MB zip file with 50 pics of a Little tease in my new polka-dot skirt.

Lovers of Sneakers

The first of three sets in this series. You can purchase them separately (3.67each) or all in one download, under the Lover 3 Pack title ($9.00). This set contains 27 pictures (51MB) of me in sneakers and taking the off for my next set, Lover of Heels

Lovers of Heels

The second of my three sets for this series. This one is for heel lovers. 26 pictures (64MB), some in my red, some in my black pumps. You can purchase the set by itself here ($3.67) or in the Lover 3 pack download($9.00).

Lovers of a Little More

Third and final set in this series. Here you will find me wearing one of each of the red and black heels and maybe a little more...or less. These 35 pictures (88MB) are available here ($3.76) or in the Lover 3 Pack ($9.00)

State Of My Nylons Part Two

Alot like the first set, this 54MB set contains 34 pictures. This time there are heels involved... Still no nail polish though. ;P

State Of My Nylons

My hose ran in to a couple of snags, or should I say my snags turned into a couple of runs 😉 This 65MB zip file there are 29 pics. No heels in this set, no nail polish for that matter either.

Room Organizing Part Two

Part two of me trying to organize my room. This time in my blue skirt and yellow heels. This 120MB zip file has 40 pics but I'm not sure I'm any closer to having my room oragnized.

Lover 3 Pack

All three of the Lovers sets here for one low price of $20.00, because I'm worth the tip. HaHaHa! ok if it's only $9.00 if you buy them together!

Room Organizing Part One

Snapped a few pics while trying to organize my room. This 125MB zip file has 43 pictures, no shoes, no skirt, just my hose and t-shirt.

Shades of Purple

Every shade of purple just makes me love purple more. This set has purple, purple and more purple.. What can I say I love it! I hope you love this 132MB zip file with 36 pictures.

Pink Shoe Set Part One

Part one of my pink shoe sets. My pink Converse star in this set along with some super cute panda socks that match my black, white and pink theme. This set is 83MB and includes 31 pictures in sneakers, ankle socks, and nylon.

Polka Dot Peep Toes

Praticing blowing some bubbles in my polka dot peep toes. So just another Tuesday night. 37 photos in a 50.7MB zip file

Pink Shoe Set Part Two

Part two of my pink shoe sets. Both my baby pink and bright pink pointed toe heels make and appearance in this set This set is 72MB and includes 28 pictures in my heels.

Blue Heels set

Wearing my beautiful blue heels, tan nylons and my super comfy robe. Thought some pictures were necessary so here they are all 45 of them zipped up in to a 145MB zip file.

Black and Yellow Hearts

59 pictures starting off with Heart Fishnets, sneakers and yellow slouch socks on, working my way to the nude hose that are underneath and then adding my favorite black patent leather heels. This zip file is 69MB of my first picture set in a long while. Hope you enjoy!